This is a pretty nice plotting app and will hopefully get even better. The slider bars for manipulating constants are very useful; the UI for this is more straightforward than what you find in many computer graphing packages, though I find the sliders hard to put my fingers on sometimes. The pinch interface for zooming in on functions is especially slick. The equation entry system is a bit of a challenge at first, though it makes equations that are nice to see. Hopefully an equation system similar to Apples can show up eventually.
As of 8/8/08, here are some features that I hope will show up later:
- More special functions (e.g. gamma function and its log, digammas, beta function, Bessel functions, hypergeometric series, probability distribution functions, etc.)
- A way to get the numerical value of a function at x.
- More plots at once.
- Inequalities.
stepleton about TouchPlot